
  • CAPRI - The other caves of Capri

    If throughout the world the name of Capri is linked to the Blue Grotto, one of the unmissable stops for every visitor who lands there, the island, due to its geological characteristics, is full of caves, both along the coastal perimeter and in the interior.

  • CAPRI - The Blue Grotto known by the Romans

    No one had the courage to approach it for some time. Too many mysterious and disturbing stories were told and handed down about that sea cave, opening on the northwestern side of the island. Stories well known to the island notary, Don Giuseppe Pagano, who was strongly intrigued by them.

  • CASTELCIVITA - A large underground complex

    The dripping has made splendors. Stalactites and stalagmites are composing imaginative and mysterious sets, they form imposing sculptures and they surprise with continuous suggestions all along the way.

  • CAGGIANO - The Zachito Caves

    The Melandro River flows in its vicinity. The Zachito Caves, in the territory of Caggiano, revealed in the nineteenth century a surprising archaeological treasure.

  • PERTOSA - Navigating the river in the caves

    The cavity in the rock, extraordinarily spacious, offered safe shelter and refuge.

  • MORIGERATI – The Bussento Caves

    In the southern Cilento, in the hinterland of the Gulf of Policastro, there is a site of high environmental value which is identified with the drainage of basin of the Bussento River.

  • S. ANGELO A FASANELLA - The Grotto of the Angel

    A rupestrian cave, surrounded by a splendid natural landscape in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, in the municipality of Sant’Angelo a Fasanella.

  • CONCA DEI MARINI - The Emerald Grotto

    The sun rays penetrating inside from a rock fissure below sea level gives the characteristic for which it is most famous and from which it takes its name: the Emerald Grotto, one of the Coast’s wonders.

  • CUSANO MUTRI - Gorges and caves to discover

    On the southern slope of the Matese, Cusano Mutri is a magnificent medieval village that has remained almost unchanged over time, with the exception of the 13th century castle of which picturesque ruins remain.

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